
Happy teacher appreciation week!

Teachers and students together in front of a white board.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! 🍎🎉 Words can’t express our gratitude for the work you do daily. We’re sharing some quotes below from students to their District C coaches.

“To have an opportunity to take this class will be a step in the right direction to mastering a life skill that will never not be useful.” Thank you, Joy Tavano!

“It was fun. I was able to freely communicate and build relationships whilst staying in a good and healthy environment.” Thank you, Ashley Fahey!

“I think District C has been the best if not the most impactful topic I have learned in high school… James Martin was the teacher and he was beyond knowledgeable and did a great job.” Thank you, James Martin!

“I enjoyed working with my team and had a fantastic coach! I learned a lot and had fun doing it.” Thank you, Erica Marvin Kinney!

“District C was a good opportunity for me to gain more insight into the business world and work with real people in real life situations… My coach was Mr. Rodney Obaigbena and he did a great job in preparing my team and my class.” Thank you, Rodney Obaigbena!

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