Spark Teamship Statewide

A Reimagined Internship for High School Students

Empower your students through this reimagined virtual internship experience that’s FREE for all public high school students in North Carolina.

What is it?

Spark Teamship is a reimagined internship where teams of students from across the state work virtually to solve real problems for real businesses.

Who this is for?

Spark Teamship is a FREE opportunity available to any public high school student in North Carolina. 

Recruit your students!

Share this opportunity with students and families in your district. You can send students directly to the registration page, or use our recruitment toolkit to get the word out more broadly. 

Students from 18 NC districts have completed over 3,000 Spark Teamship internship hours


How is Spark Teamship Statewide free for students?

Visit the Spark Teamship page, find the program dates that work best, and register.

Spark Labs and other District C member schools often run on-site Teamship programs as a part of their course offerings, embedded in classes, or as extra-curricular options. 

Spark Teamship Statewide is always online to allow students from across the state to work together from their homes. 

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